Category Archives: Dharma in Daily Life

Peaceful action means skillful action

Lama Yeshe answers questions from the audience after a public talk given in 1983 in Berkeley, California about how to deal with our anxiety during divisive political times. By letting go of judgment and relaxing our mind, we can reduce our anxiety about the state of the world and become more skillful and effective in our personal and political interactions with others.

The Benefits of Thought Transformation

All the hindrances of life, all the hindrances of meditation, of practicing Dharma, by practicing Mahayana thought training, all those hindrances of meditation, of Dharma practice, all those become helpers, beneficial conditions to practice Dharma.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche

When we face so many obstacles and challenges to our practice, it can be helpful to listen to this excerpt from teachings on Geshe Langri Tangpa’s Eight Verses of Thought Transformation, given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Manjushri Institute, Cumbria, England, August 16-24, 1979. These teachings were given by Rinpoche while Lama Yeshe was still alive. You can follow along with the transcript at

You can also read the history surrounding these teachings in Big Love: The Life and Teachings of Lama Yeshe in Volume 2, Chapter 17: Even Your Enemy Who Tries to Kill You is Your Best Friend. Big Love is available at

Your Mental Bureaucracy

Understanding, the wisdom makes you happy. Always with you. But all the material, what you consider build up this life, is, when you need, not there. It’s there, it’s not there.

Lama Yeshe explains in his uniquely skillful and powerful way how our mental bureaucracy, the departments of ego and attachment, are working together constantly to confuse us and keep us from finding the door to everlasting peace and happiness. Instead, these departments divert us into thinking that everlasting happiness can be found by clinging to compounded phenomena that are in fact impermanent by nature. This talk was given at a five-day meditation retreat in Australia, March 28-April 1, 1975 and is the basis for Chapter Four in the LYWA free book “Ego, Attachment and Liberation.” You can read along with the unedited transcript at

Make Your Mind an Ocean

Listen to Lama Yeshe’s original teaching which was later edited by Nicholas Ribush into the widely read and revered LYWA free book “Make Your Mind An Ocean.” This talk highlights the clarity and skill of Lama’s western teaching methods and explores the general topic of the mind during the course of Lama Yeshe’s and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s second world teaching tour in 1975. You can also read along with the transcript at

Making Space for Wisdom

An experiential teaching given by Lama Yeshe during a five-day meditation retreat in Australia in 1975. The edited version of this talk has been published as Chapter One in the book Ego, Attachment and Liberation.  You can also follow along with the unedited transcript at

The Purpose of Meditation

Because uncontrolled, undisciplined mind is opposite of knowledge-wisdom and happy, that nature is dissatisfaction. So your mind put such way, control, with your own wisdom, there is space, you can discover peace and joyful. So your life is becomes joyful, peaceful, no matter the outside world is up and down, up and down.

-Lama Yeshe

In Los Angeles, California in 1975, Lama Yeshe gave this introductory talk on the purpose of meditation followed by an informal question and answer session. Please read along with the transcript on our website here:

Integrating What You Have Heard

I know you people understand something, have discovered something; but many things are only intellectual and not yet realization, therefore, I think you need something more.

Lama Yeshe

In the early 70s, Lama Yeshe used to give Sunday afternoon lectures at the location of Kopan Monastery and people would come from all around to listen. This month’s podcast is the earliest known recording of Lama Yeshe teaching to Westerners. In this talk, Lama emphasizes the importance of actually practicing the teachings, ending with a lively question and answer session with the students. We warmly invite you to read along with the transcript of Lama’s talk on our website: