Category Archives: Emptiness

Give Your Ego the Wisdom Eye

This is the third chapter of the book Ego, Attachment and Liberation which contains talks from a five-day retreat Lama led near Melbourne, Australia in 1975. Read transcripts here.


Techniques for the Meditation Session

This is the second chapter of the book Ego, Attachment and Liberation which contains talks from a five-day retreat Lama led near Melbourne, Australia in 1975.  Read the transcripts here.


Make Your Mind an Ocean

Listen to Lama Yeshe’s original teaching which was later edited by Nicholas Ribush into the widely read and revered LYWA free book “Make Your Mind An Ocean.” This talk highlights the clarity and skill of Lama’s western teaching methods and explores the general topic of the mind during the course of Lama Yeshe’s and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s second world teaching tour in 1975. You can also read along with the transcript at