Lama Yeshe Rides the Radio Waves

We hope you enjoy listening to a radio interview with Lama Yeshe on the “What’s Cooking?” radio show with Judy O. This wide-ranging interview took place in Boulder Creek, California on July 22, 1983, just before Lama offered public talks at UC Santa Cruz on the subject of “Anxiety in the Nuclear Age.”

Please also watch video of Lama giving these public talks on the LYWA Youtube channel at and experience a multimedia presentation of the teachings, edited by Nick Ribush and created by Megan Evart at

Peaceful action means skillful action

Lama Yeshe answers questions from the audience after a public talk given in 1983 in Berkeley, California about how to deal with our anxiety during divisive political times. By letting go of judgment and relaxing our mind, we can reduce our anxiety about the state of the world and become more skillful and effective in our personal and political interactions with others.

Three Principal Aspects of the Path: Part 2

From teachings given by Lama Yeshe in 1982 in France. These teachings were edited into the book called Essence of Tibetan Buddhism.


Three Principal Aspects of the Path: Part 1

From teachings given by Lama Yeshe in 1982 in France. These teachings were edited into the book called Essence of Tibetan Buddhism.


The Transference of Consciousness

“From the Buddhist point of view, human life and death are equally important events. There’s no reason to think that life is important and death is bad, unimportant. You should not think that way. Both are important.”

Lama Yeshe’s teachings on the transference of consciousness at death are particularly poignant as these were from the last teachings Lama gave in the West; he passed away some five months later.  These teachings have been published by LYWA as “Life, Death and After Death” and are drawn from teachings given by Lama in London, 1982 and Geneva, 1983. You can also read along to the transcript of this podcast at

Transference of Consciousness

Teachings given by Lama Yeshe on po-wa, the transference of consciousness at the time of death, given in London in September, 1982.  These teachings were edited into the book Life, Death and After Death.


Why Are There So Many Different Buddhas?

With ignorant mind you cannot approach the omniscient mind. Like without the fuel in the car you cannot reach your destination. Even if you have the car, if you don’t have the fuel then you cannot reach to the desirable place.

-Lama Zopa Rinpoche

In this talk, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains why we work with so many different aspects of the Buddha during our practice. By taking refuge in these varied aspects of the Buddha’s enlightenment, we open ourselves to their particular attributes, guidance and inspiration. For example, cultivating a relationship with Manjushri creates the conditions to increase our wisdom-knowledge and with White Tara we can increase the span of our perfect human rebirth. Cultivating the appropriate conditions help us overcome our personal karmic obstacles on the path to enlightenment for the benefit of others. Rinpoche gave these teachings at the Fourteenth Kopan Meditation Course in 1981. You can read along with the transcript at

We Are the Cure of Our Own Samsara

All our suffering is caused by our belief that even though the I is merely labeled on the aggregates, it exists from its own side. This sickness is the root of all our suffering and our cure is our wisdom.

-Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives a short vivid explanation about how we circle in samsara, why we circle, and whose fault it is that we circle and suffer. This teaching is from the Fourteenth Kopan Course, 1981. Read along with the transcript on our website here.

The Qualities of the Dharma and Its Teachers

The particular nature of the Dharma is that the more you study the teachings, the more the Dharma becomes deep and clear. And the holy beings, those who work for sentient beings, those who have accomplished the path, these holy beings are who bring the Dharma teachings to us.

-Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche describes the qualities of the Holy Dharma and of those that teach us the Dharma. This teaching was given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche during the Fourteenth Kopan Meditation Course, Nepal, 1981. Read along with the transcript on our website at

The Long-Life Mantra of White Tara

Those sentient beings who accumulate merit, especially the sentient beings who know how to accumulate merit, if they have long life you see, then the longer they live then they are able to make their life more meaningful. They are able to create more cause of happiness, so there is sense in living long.

-Lama Zopa Rinpoche

This month on the LYWA podcast, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives the oral transmission of the mantra of White Tara and then leads us an extended recitation of this precious mantra. Rinpoche dedicates the recitation by refreshing the visualization and by pointing out that the purpose of living a long life is even more important for those who are accumulating merit in this life for the sake of others. May all beings receive the undying realization!

These teachings given by Rinpoche at the Fourteenth Kopan Meditation Course in 1981. You can read the transcript on the LYWA website at